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Dr. Chandna Dixit
Dr. Chandna Dixit is a practicing doctor by vocation and a dedicated artist by avocation.
She is self taught artist with over two decades in a variety of media such as oils with knife, watercolour, pen and ink, acrylics, charcoal and mixed media.
Her paintings adorn the walls of homes and offices in India and overseas.
She has exhibited in group shows nationally and internationally.
She says- "Creating is a way of life for me ,be it with fabric, yarn or paints, painting being my first love. I set no boundaries for my subjects whether human, wildlife, nature or abstract.
Dr. Chandna Dixit is a practicing doctor by vocation and a dedicated artist by avocation.
She is self taught artist with over two decades in a variety of media such as oils with knife, watercolour, pen and ink, acrylics, charcoal and mixed media.
Her paintings adorn the walls of homes and offices in India and overseas.
She has exhibited in group shows nationally and internationally.
She says- "Creating is a way of life for me ,be it with fabric, yarn or paints, painting being my first love. I set no boundaries for my subjects whether human, wildlife, nature or abstract.…
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