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Hummingbird bird and magnolia on a golden background and coffee wash from the back.


Magnolias are beautiful flowers with a mild perfume. Magnolias have always charmed me. While in London I bought a magnolia plant; potted it in a beautiful wooden plank pot and waited for it to bloom. Sadly the wait extended to four years.... But then you are blessed with whatever God has ordained for you. We moved to China and I was blessed with seeing the most gorgeous magnolias possible. The stark trees without a leaf on them, ladened with these big beautiful flowers. Luckily I got my first Chinese watercolour lessons there. Then after a gap of almost 5 years I once again got to get some more lesson and now I can paint magnolias! I loved doing this painting. When I came up with the idea of painting the background in gold, I think that was the cherry on the cake.


Artworks by Debjani

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Happy and Playful

  • 15 x 20.5 inches

  • Watercolor on Rice Paper

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